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"Flood update"
First, I have to thank Kayla and Punky for their concern, hehe. I'm fine, ladies, and no Punky, I'm not treading water as I log onto the internet ;P Also, I have to say, if it weren't for Roger, I'd be running to an empty campus and would've wasted much time just waiting for classmates to show, seeing as school was cancelled ;P
For those not in the know, Peterborough was in a state of emergency as of 4am this morning. The story hit the major papers, and some streets were four feet deep in water, mud and waste. Obviously, yours truly slept through all of it ;D
Actually, something woke me up at 3-ish and again at 5. I heard thunder, so I turned Bitch off and went back to sleep.
The streets were dry when I got up, so when Roger told me school was cancelled I figured he was lying (he always does that to me). Decided to call the campus line, and whadaya know, that joker was actually telling the truth. Sorry for doubting you Ra Ra ;D
The house is fine; only a little water managed to get in the basement, so aside from the carpets, I think we're good. The landlord came by for an inspection half an hour ago, and according to him, we're the luckiest of all the tenants. Seems that most of the other basements were flooded in at least two feet of waste and mud, eeww.
It started raining again over an hour ago.
I'll keep y'all posted.
Currently listening to: Switchfoot's Dare You To Move
Random observation: I seem to have a habit of sleeping through disasters.