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"'Antigone' workshop and stuff"
As promised, some pictures from our workshop on Sophocles' Antigone.
We made a total of six masks, and in this picture you see the masks of Ismene, Teirasias and a random guard/messenger. Everyone in the group played multiple roles but me, since my character was 'on stage' six scenes out of seven.
A wonderful picture of Denise in her prophet getup; she played an awesome Teiresias.
And finally, yours truly behind the mask of Creon. While painting it halfway I thought it reminded me of Genghis Khan :P
Anyway, the initial idea was to tie the masks on, but after trying it out we realized that we had several issues at hand. We couldn't breathe and sounded muffled because the masks were huge. When I put on the mask of Creon, I had to decide if I wanted to be able to speak or see ;P Finally we decided to put the masks on sticks to hold in front of us, which certainly solved the breathing problem at least!
For a rough workshop, we certainly were very detailed, which probably surprised the prof and pissed off the rest of the class, hiaks. Meh, what can you do? All in all, I hope we did decent at least. It was certainly too much work for 15% of our final grade, but hey, it was a learning experience.
Some recent updates on the flood: offices in the basement of OC are flooded, ditto with the English department at Traill. Trent shall remain closed until next week. I think the other side of the city is still under water, and when I was walking about this evening, many houses were still pumping their basements out, my neighbours included.
Did I tell you my cousin gave me a copy of the The Holy Qur-an, translated into English? Seems one of his Muslim colleagues wrote to the Saudi Consulate after 9/11 requesting for these books so that he could help explain the religion to his friends, and they sent him cases of beautifully-bound Qur-ans, which he started distributing. George didn't want to appear rude, so he brought one back and left it on the shelf. I was just flipping through it when he told me to take it back with me. Am always interested in old texts, so I thought what the hell. Have read numerous versions of the Bible, so it'll be interesting to read this for a change. Think it'll come in useful when passing Malaysian Customs? ;)
Simple pleasures
Passing time,
Reason fading
In dreams sublime;
Nature's way,
Glorious day.
Currently listening to: Switchfoot's Don't Be There
Random observation: some days, more so than others.
Replies: 3 peanuts
whoa.. nice mask! What's the hair made out of?
Hope the flood subsided.. its raining tons here in PG too...
Posted by infinitium @ 07/16/2004 01:52 AM GMT
good job on the mask babyt! do you know if 704 was flooded at all? i just hope whatever soap stuff they had down there was well sealed if it did! lol
Posted by punks @ 07/16/2004 01:16 PM GMT
thanks jase :) we used some kinda yarn dipped in paint for the blond hair, and black and white yarn for the others.
punkila! thanks, heh. i have no clue; maybe i'll walk over tomorrow and let you know. they had soap??
Posted by t @ 07/16/2004 11:19 PM GMT