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"Theatre stuff"

The class has a field trip to 4th Line Theatre this Thursday, but by the looks of The Weather Network, we're going to have a thunderstorm that day, woo. We're catching the rehearsal of The Cavan Blazers in the afternoon before watching Crow Hill in the evening. Ian McLachlan, who co-wrote Crow Hill, happens to be my prof, and he's made arrangements for the class to meet with the director of both plays, and possibly the cast as well ;D

Am excited since I haven't seen a theatre production in ages. Must remember to charge my camera!

Among other things, we saw Aristophanes' Lysistrata performed as a puppet show today, I'm running out of peanut butter and Sharon's almost certain that she'll be in Ontario at the end of August.

Have work to do.

Currently listening to: Beastie Boys' That's It That's All
Random observation: Penguins: Next 5km!

Replies: 2 peanuts

i'm waiting for the day phantom of the opera reaches our culturally deprived shores.....


Posted by infinitium @ 07/20/2004 12:05 AM GMT

i missed cats; that was heartbreaking ;(

Posted by t @ 07/20/2004 12:21 AM GMT