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"Are you sad?"

Your life has been so hard
It's been dried up angels
that can't keep guard
I'm trying to reach your hand
But I'm on fire
I never meant to
stay with me

Just stop pretending when they say you're nothing

Are you sad?
Are you holding yourself?
Are you locked in your room?
You shouldn't be...

I'm drowning inside your head
Help me to answer
Help understand
Why it's been so long
since we talked like friends
Please, forgive me,
I'm just a man

Just stop pretending when they say you're nothing

Are you sad?
Are you holding yourself?
Are you locked in your room?
You shouldn't be..

- Our Lady Peace

Replies: 7 peanuts

OLP rocks! I remember listening to one of their songs again and again (forgot which one already.. old age is catching up quickly.. dammit!)


Posted by infinitium @ 07/20/2004 11:51 AM GMT

now this has got me more depressed...

Posted by shin @ 07/20/2004 08:11 PM GMT

jase: any chance it was "somewhere out there"?

shin: it's a moody piece I know, heh. matches my mood exactly. hope that things will look up for you soon.

Posted by t @ 07/20/2004 08:31 PM GMT

/hands over booze....

Posted by von @ 07/20/2004 11:00 PM GMT


booze, the answer to everything *winks at von*

Posted by t @ 07/21/2004 12:12 AM GMT

i bet both of ur parents dun know u kids boozing like this out there. ;)

Posted by shin @ 07/21/2004 11:36 PM GMT

on the contrary, it was the parents who introduced me to booze when i was 16 ;D however, i was of the mind that it tasted like crap (had to try whisky & beer) then. fast forward three years later, and I discovered vodka, teehee. even as I speak, I believe i have 2 litres left at home, hiaks.

Posted by t @ 07/22/2004 05:17 AM GMT