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"Kill me, kill me now"
Now that she's part of the unholy rat race, I think Marianne is trying to do exactly that :P
First things first. Congratulations on your new job ah ma! *hugs*
That aside, my being happy for you does not give you the right to punish me with episodes of Malaysian Idol *evil eye*
If I cringed watching the American Idol auditions, I was looking for a gun or a length of rope when watching the Malaysian version. And the worst part? I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. It's like the ever-clich�d car wreck analogy: so awful that you can't look away. My skin crawled. Literally.
That was some nasty television time *shakes head*
Among other news, I might be driving up to Manitoba this weekend (a good 30 hours, woo!) as a favour for a friend. Upon reaching, we figured I had maybe 6 to 12 hours in Winnipeg before catching the next available flight out back to Toronto. If that happens, will be meeting up with Marianne and heading to Kensington Market for some photos before catching the Greyhound back to Peterborough. All this, pending financial status.
Either way, Toronto has to happen, as my director's project is due in two weeks.
I've been busy with school work, food poisoning and sleep. What about you?
Currently listening to: The Eagles' New York Minute
Random observation: projectile vomiting, wee!
Replies: 3 peanuts
unpacking, unpacking & unpacking.
Posted by infinitium @ 07/29/2004 10:27 AM GMT
Hey!, if you drive to Manitoba you'll be going right through Massey...and its more of a 24 hour drive
Posted by Kayla @ 07/29/2004 08:54 PM GMT
jase: you just had a holiday; unpacking's a small price to pay ;P
kayla: really?! that's awesome! he told me it was 30 *shrug* but I guesss that includes stop time? still don't know if the trip's on; will let you know, may we can go for lunch or something.
Posted by t @ 07/29/2004 09:03 PM GMT