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It started to rain five minutes after I left the house, but I swam anyway, hiaks. Am so out of shape, ugh. I think the last time I swam was almost two years ago, eek. Blah.
It's been a great day. I quit my job, I swam, I drove around (no, not in circles, smartass! :P). And to round things off, Kayla, Di, Sarah, Shean Min, Sharon and Agnes are all online at the same time! *grins* Among other things, Shean Min just said he way gay and wished he was a woman (??), Kayla's starting work at the park next week, Sharon's back to her explicit self, Aggie's kinda silent as usual :P
Can you tell I miss these crazy people? heh. I do, I do.
Fatboy Slim's in Malaysia! *gasp!* Audrey's given me the choice of either seeing him perform, or catching the sneak preview of Scooby Doo. How ah? I'd love to catch Fatboy Slim in action, but I have a feeling the crowd's gonna be godawful. Pfft. Will let Audrey decide I guess.
Currently listening to: Uncle Cracker's Follow Me
Current emotion: ecstatic
Random observation: Hey Punkilala, "Hello Cookie!" ;D