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"Summer day"
Some days all it takes is a good conversation to make those clouds go away :) That, and an excellent CD playing good music in the background.
"Go on hitch a ride on the back of a butterfly
There's no better to fly, to get to me"
Train, Get To Me
I hear that line and I just can't help but grin, hehe.
By contrast, the weather today is dreadful. Dark, gloomy and muggy, yuck. Even so, I think I'm gonna go pick up some stuff for the house.
Speaking of picking up stuff, Pascal told me about this alcoholic drink called Sweet Temptation he had in NZ, made with six shooters but tastes like chocolate. Am suddenly hit with the urge to make those tiny alcohol-infused chocolates I created for the Pure White party back in March, lol. Honestly, I had so much booze in the damn thing, but you couldn't really taste it at all! Too bad they didn't make the cut for the final menu. I was very pleased when sooks told me the food and infused bottles of Pure White went down well though.
Gosh, I miss catering alcoholic events (aka playing with booze). Okay, so it was just one event, but damn if I didn't have a good time cooking up recipes that week!
Am torn between still fighting for a friend or just letting it all go to hell.
Cookies, yay!
Currently listening to: Train's Get To Me on repeat
Random observation: self-censorship sucks :P