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"On the road (again)"
In less than 24 hours, I'll be driving up to Winnipeg, Manitoba with Dan. Roger acquainted me with the dangers of driving up north, including the possible scenario of being hit by charging moose, which I am sceptical of, but have been assured that it is, in fact, a very real possibility, especially when driving in the middle of the night. In his words, "Don't drive at night, you might get killed!", followed by "Can I have your 'phone if you croak?".
Bugger! lol.
Wan Yee's yelling at me for being morbid. But morbid or not, I prefer to settle some things just in case.
My cable connection's acting wonky on me. Stupid cable connection *kicks!*
Nightmares and inexplicable fears haunt my overactive imagination, and lack of sleep is inevitable. Dyslexia acting up again.
Some days I look around and wonder, "who the heck are these mysterious people that keep stopping by, leaving nary a trace but for IP-ed footsteps?"
Ah well.
Stuff to pack:
1. Digital camera & charger
2. Clothes
3. Books
4. Lots of water
5. Discman & spare batteries
6. Power bars
7. TELEPHONE NUMBERS! (gosh, can't believe I almost forgot this again)
8. More books
9. Glasses!
Can't think of anything else. Oh, "Brecht vs Stanislavsky". Must post that when I get back.
Long says: hahah dont worry roger is korean his kimchi smell attracts wildlife
Long says: you should be fine :D
Gonna read, maybe write, then sleep. Will be leaving directly after class *groans* I'll see you people at the end of the week, if I make it back in one piece. People in Toronto: tiffyla's comin'! ;D
Currently listening to: The Calling's Our Lives
Random observation: backpack vs sportsbag?