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"I love theatre"
Just got home an hour ago, and am starving. Have this bowl of Indomee in front of me, but I figured I ought to distract myself or something so as not to inhale my food, especially since it's so damn late and I'm tired.
Workshop went okay; I wasn't happy with the final product, but apparently, the whole class and the prof were very impressed. I figure they're just being polite *shrug* but hey, it's nice to be called original and experimental, no? Even when people don't mean it. My prof liked the concept though, and wants to borrow it for a future production of his, so that was good. Personally, I thought the idea was great, but the actual performance was boring as hell :)
Dear Bertolt Brecht,
you are one crazy brilliant (dead) "arsehole", and I love you.
A student who massacred your concept of theatre and The Caucasian Chalk Circle.
About half of us went back to Millbrook to catch opening night of Cavan Blazers. That's right, opening night! I have to say, it's only out here at 4th Line Theatre that you can catch a production that not only has (4!) horses and live chickens involved, but the actors actually set fire to the set and there's a naked guy tied to a cross and is hoisted up for all to see as well.
Simply mind-blowing.
The effects, not the naked guy. I didn't get to see him, since my view was obstructed (damn!).
Every time I catch a theatre production, I'm beyond impressed. It's odd, since I never thought of myself as a theatre buff, and yet, I love the idea of productions and theatre and acting, debating and conceptualizing possible scenarios, no matter how odd, for the craziest settings, from a street in Kensington Market to the Trent Library bus stop.
I can't help it.
Thanks to Prof. McLachlan, we got invited to the cast party after, and had the opportunity to congratulate and discuss the play with the playwright and lead actors :D Not only that, he bought us booze too!
A'ight, have to edit an essay. Then sleep.
Currently listening to: Damn Dirty Apes' Dreams
Random observation: 4th Line theatre performance ticket vs bottle of vodka - I'd take the ticket any day!
Replies: 6 peanuts
Indomee? they sell that there? K, so Canada isn't that much of a hole as I thought...
Posted by infinitium @ 08/13/2004 03:40 AM GMT
they do in toronto :) the one i ate was brought over from KL when i came back though.
Posted by t @ 08/13/2004 05:08 PM GMT
And eh, i canceled my montreal trip for the weekend of our niagara falls thing. SEE la. I so damn nice! lol
Posted by Ma-li-anne @ 08/14/2004 06:55 PM GMT
yes, yes i am ;D (god i mean, lol).
you cancelled it for sharon or was it cancelled because your group couldn't make it? :P
Posted by t @ 08/14/2004 11:05 PM GMT
I cancelled for sha-lon la!
WAH!!!!! No les-peck~ no les-peck!
Posted by Marianne @ 08/15/2004 10:22 AM GMT
sharon will be bery grateful, i'm sure, haha! <3
Posted by t @ 08/15/2004 01:29 PM GMT