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"Walking contradiction"

Every day is like a balancing act of sorts, enough of each to make life bearable some days, good on others.

So we'll do away with the whining first. Wisdom tooth horrors are kicking in again, and the right side of my jaw hurts.

Also have to accept the fact that I am a lousy judge of character, and thus, my word should not be taken for anything, especially when vouching for others. I think it sucks that I'm reminded yet again to trust no one, but damnit, if you don't believe in anything... and yet when you do... ugh. I give up.

Somedays, I just think being nice is a bloody waste of time, especially when you end up getting screwed over and over. But there are days when I think it's worth it... when maybe it's really not?

Confused and bemused.

Enough of that.

Good news :)

First things first, I *do* get to see 4th Line's First Look: Works in Progress after all. Just so happens Roger has a softball game at Cavan Park that day, so I get to hitch a ride with him to Millbrook. Won't be catching Cavan Blazers, but that's okay. I'm going to 4th Line!

Next, I fixed my sleep time. A bad night's sleep, but that's okay, because I was up at the decent hour of 9-ish. Very good *nods* Waking up early also meant that I could do a bunch of stuff, like head up to campus to check the price of books, borrow a couple from the library (Mallory's Le Morte D'Arthur, in two volumes), and bookhunt in the stores downtown. Managed to get my hands on Margeret Atwood's Oryx & Crake for half price, hah! It's for my 400-level course in science fiction, and is in awesome condition.

Finally, stopped by Chumleigh's, and in a moment of weakness, picked up three CDs. Before you squawk, it was a CD each for my siblings and one for myself. I've decided to buy the entire collection of Disney cartoon soundtracks for Audrey, and the entire Mariah Carey catalog for Colin, for Christmas. As such, I figure if I start buying the CDs now, I won't be as broke near Christmas time. Hopefully they'll appreciate it, but if they don't, I'll just sell the Mariah Carey CDs and keep the Disney ones for myself :P

All in all, it's still a beautiful day.

Currently listening to: New Radicals' You Get What You Give
Random observation: Believing in one thing but wanting to believe in the other.