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"Midnight baking"

Craving for chocolate is not a rare occurance in this house, but as always, our timing sucked in terms of getting over to the convenience store across the street before they closed. We decided to head over to Subway for cookies instead, but the bastards ran out, and had the nerve to laugh about it too, hmph.

We came home and I rummaged around the kitchen for ingredients, found enough to make half a batch of cookies and got to work. In the meantime, Sarah mooned Api (rofl) and everyone hung out in the kitchen while listening to Color Me Badd.

Double chocolate chip and peanuts, yum.

It's been a productive day of sorts. Had my last meeting with Karolyne before our presentation this Tuesday, cooked pasta for dinner, arranged notes and cleaned up the bookshelves a bit. Found some stuff in the library for class too, yay!

Another week coming right up, meh.

Currently listening to: Maroon 5's Sunday Morning
Random observation: Reminiscing about childhood beatings..!

Replies: 2 peanuts

colour me bad! i can still remember they came to m'sia when i was in form 2. whats the weather song?

Posted by von @ 10/07/2024 10:49 PM GMT

lol. i believe it was "earth, sun and rain". or something like that.

Posted by t @ 10/08/2024 04:32 PM GMT