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"One down"

After two weeks of mind-boggling stress while working on my presentation for Advanced Theatre (it's worth 20% of my final grade), am finally donedoneDONE with it.

Seeing as it's the first major project of the year for me, I've been a little... preoccupied with it. Alright, in all truth, I've been obsessing and worrying and stressing like a mad thing, how's that? It was constantly on my mind all day and I dreamt about theories all night, brainstormed for hours, read and re-read Boal and Aristotle to the point where nothing was for nothing and nothing made sense.

...but it's DONE!

To celebrate, bought myself a pint of strawberry cheesecake ice cream. It sucks that I don't feel like eating it now though. Maybe tomorrow.

Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Lines Upon Your Face
Random observation: Decadent ice cream, yay.

Replies: 4 peanuts

haagen dasz! haagen dasz!

Posted by infinitium @ 09/30/2004 12:33 AM GMT

yesh!! ;D

Posted by t @ 09/30/2004 02:02 PM GMT

that's how i am every single day since 2003. :(

Posted by myuu @ 10/07/2024 08:12 PM GMT

eh, not good :/

I broke this place (again!).

maybe i'll fix it over the weekend. wanna help? ;D

Posted by t @ 10/08/2024 04:28 PM GMT