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"Transference of emotion"

This house is crazy. Maybe it's the asbestos oozing from the walls.

There was a scream last night, one that made Punky get ready to dial 911 while Api planned to turn out the lights and lock the door and climb out the window. Reminder to self: kill Mao at first opportunity.

Worked on my essay 'til past 3am, was up at 9-ish to finish it. Missed the bus, was late for class, prof wasn't all too pleased, bleh. At least I got it in on time.

Advanced Theatre was held downtown today, and it was awesome. We played a couple of games like the slow motion race, mimesis and transference of emotion. Outside the local mall, we ran the slowest race imaginable (last person to cross the lamp post wins), before breaking up for about 15 minutes and stalked strangers, immitating their gait and walk. Jim trailed some guy he referred to as Keanu (for the stoner expression on his face) for 6 blocks before heading back to the mall. I was following some lady to the ground floor when I heard an exclamation behind me: it was my prof, and he didn't realize it was me he was trailling, lol. The mimic of a mimic mimicking someone else. It was fun! One of our classmates also caught him imitating a pigeon when he thought no one was watching...

Another game we played consisted of five actors in a pose of oppression, and we had to improvise on dialogue while mimicking their pose. Soon thereafter, we adjourned to a local pub and held the rest of class under the influence of alcohol. Ah, and you can bet we earned lots of odd looks while at the mall.

It's for moments like these that I thank my stars I'm a cultural studies major ;)

Was tired when I got home, but I headed downtown with Sarah and Api to do some grocery shopping. Got home and decided to bake some chocolate chip banana walnut bread, mm.

Anyway, it's about time I caught up on sleep. Have an appointment for tomorrow.

Currently listening to: The Chemical Brothers' Leave Home
Random observation: Love the smell of freshly baked banana bread.