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"Almost, not quite"

One more class to go, and it'll be Reading Week, yay!

Everyone's taken off with the exception of Renata, but she's spending the night at Daniel's, so it's just me in the house tonight. A little odd, being alone again after the last two months or so. I miss the crazies ;)

Have a very rough idea for my research paper, but am too braindead to work on it anymore.

There's a department shindig going on tomorrow, and I'm still trying to decide if I'm going for the caberet thing in the evening, if only to catch the revival of the Chair of the Department's jazz band. "Witnessing, Resistance, Story: A Symposium" is happening in the afternoon; am rather keen, but I've already made plans with Renata to do some grocery shopping, so bah. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll catch the latter half.

It's 2am. I should sleep.

Currently listening to: Moby's Flowers
Random observation: the weather stinks and my umbrella's broken.