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"Post-it note"

Rearranged my room last night. Not entirely, but enough to make it different.

I've been such a bum this entire week. Already Friday, and I only have one book out of six essentials read, gaah! Hopefully I'll get the little plays out of the way today, maybe find some time for that heavy tome that is the Qur-an. Ah, and finish Fahrenheit 9/11. They're spreading the word by allowing free downloads, got mine in less than 30 minutes.

Reminder to self: renew library books!

P/S: For the love of all that is good and pure, finish reading school-related books before anything else!

P/P/S: Remove laundry from dryer.

Currently listening to: Miles Davis's Time After Time
Random observation: I just *know* I'm forgetting something.

Replies: 2 peanuts

Knowing how much of an ass Bush is, my mom and I fell asleep halfway through.

And we've yet to continue the rest of it. :P

Sorry, Merv. :P

Posted by myuu @ 10/30/2004 08:02 AM GMT


Am also at the halfway mark in the movie; spent the rest of my time rearranging the furniture in the living room instead, ack. Hi koa! ;D

Posted by t @ 10/30/2004 02:13 PM GMT