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"Damn elections."
Really now.
You'd think after a month of classes I'd be used to it. Argh *stretch* It's a good kinda pain though.
Was completely caught up with the US elections yesterday, to the point where I bet Renata a month's worth of unskipped classes come hell or high water should Kerry win. Suffice to say, the bet fell through.
"You must come bearing gifts... BITCHES!" - Sarah L.
I saw a coat that I reallyreallyreally like. But I'm not buying it. Bleh.
RM to the CD is at 3.12.
This sucks.
Currently listening to: The Verve's Lucky Man
Random observation: relationships are (un)necessarily complicated things.
Replies: 2 peanuts
OI! muahahahha.... gila siao!
Posted by Marianne @ 11/04/2024 08:19 AM GMT
hey woman! what gila siao? :P
Posted by t @ 11/04/2024 04:16 PM GMT