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"Thursday blooper"
Every Thursday I have an hour between lecture and tutorial. Every Thursday, I walk home for a quick meal between classes, or to change (depending on weather). Every Thursday, I make it back *just* before class starts.
This Thursday, I was running late. According to my watch, it was five past one, and the prof was already speaking, so I slipped in as quietly as I could and tried to be as unobtrusive as possible as I grabbed my notebook and pen. As always, the zipper seemed to SCREAM when I pulled at it.
Bloody zipper.
I noticed a few odd looks, and it crossed my mind that I've seen this before. Two minutes later, my worst fear was confirmed: everyone got up and class was dismissed.
Apparently, I walked in before the other class ended.
*smacks forehead*
Currently listening to: Katrien's Holding Silence
Random observation: wrote a nice long email to my brother.
Replies: 3 peanuts
Hahaha, this is something I can relate too :P Only difference is that I was supposed to attend the previous class too :P
Posted by JL @ 11/04/2024 08:51 PM GMT
too efficient. :)
Posted by myuu @ 11/05/2024 11:53 AM GMT
Heehee. I love funny endings. :P
Miss you tiff!
Posted by ruth @ 11/08/2024 09:24 AM GMT