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I found a corn chip in my bag of soy chips!

(Trust me, they taste better than they sound.)


Sarah's down with strep throat, Punky has a new vest, Api is now known as dirt, and Renata... well, Renata stays out of trouble (most of the time).

It's supposed to snow tonight.

Got caught in the downpour after class today. Was soaked, and couldn't help but wish I had an umbrella, bah. Decided to go grocery shopping instead of heading straight home (in the hopes that while I'm shopping the rain would let up a bit). Bumped into Renata and Daniel at Price Chopper, so I didn't have to walk home in the rain, yay Renata! Good thing too, 'cause it rained all day, right up 'til 8pm or so.

....and I forgot to post this before I went to bed.

It's just one of those weeks, y'know?

Off to work on my assignment.

Currently listening to: Cheap Trick's Mighty Wings
Random observation: have a nap planned for the afternoon.