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I've been up since 7.50. Am supposed to study for the roundtable discussion in sci fi, but I've been doing anything but. Made breakfast, altered jeans, fixed my bag, got ready for the day. Anything and everything but study.


I don't wanna :/

We're catching Roger's hockey game after class, and heading to Derek's tonight to celebrate his birthday. Well, some of us are, at any rate.

My hair is fine, thank you. Pouffy but fine :P

I mailed it out on Wednesday. The package wouldn't fit through the letterbox measure, because my hair was too thick O.o The postmaster was very nice though, and chose to overlook that fact, thus saving me an additional six dollars on postage. I paid $1.71 ;D

I still don't wanna work.

We had dinner with Tessa and Di in a new restaurant downtown, called Karma. Yummy Asian cuisine! Food was so good, Api actually cleaned her plate, hehe. It was awesome seeing Tessa again, but the poor girl wasn't feeling too good, and had to leave early.

The week's almost over, and it's two weeks 'til my 20-page essay on AI is due. Have a presentation next Tuesday on Invisible Theatre. Meeting on Monday. Paper on Kant & Rousseau that's overdue (!!).


Ack, forgot about my 'public cry' at the bus stop. Shoot. It's an experiment. For class. And for challenging personal boundaries. I'll tell you about it after it's done.


Currently listening to: Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway
Random observation: Moral philosophy was born from human pride.