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Exactly one week since the bug got to me.
Doctor's appointment last week fell through, and was rescheduled for today. It's definitely an infection, if not strep. Will get my test results back over the next two days.
Despite being ill, Friday saw us at the Sapphire Lounge, and Saturday at the Vibe. I know, sick as a dog and still partying anyway. It's not me. Didn't drink a lot though (really!). Saw way too much at the Vibe (can you say "Love Shack baybeh!"?). And I thought it was just a rumour, if not an exaggeration. But it was all true. Horrifyingly, shockingly, disgustingly true.
Say X amount of Hail Mary's to cleanse thee of sins.
Theatre theatre theatre today, all six and a half hours of it. Good times.
Bought a coat, changed my mind, will be returning it soon.
Am so concerned with living in the present that I forgot of a past 'til it waved its blonde head in my face today. Laughed about it, talked about it. Some truths you don't discover 'til it's too late, but better to know than to live with a memory of lies.
In response to a student's idea concerning Harold Pinter's Homecoming,
"No no you turkey you're wrong!" - VH
Swamped with work, excited about next week's performance, dreading essays, hating lungs, loving peanut butter and jam sandwiches.
Currently listening to: Everclear's Everything to Everyone
Random observation: secret! ;D