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"Singin' the Blues"

... etched on a giant pink mug with Eeyore looking all doleful on the other side.

Mug of tea and a gingerbread man with red shiny sprinkles on top. Thanks Sarah ;)

Crunch time, stress time.

MSN's all crazy, so here's an apology for logging in and out all damn day. It wasn't intentional. And Wan Yee, stop laughing at me!

Stuff going on. Lots of stuff. Some distant, some closer. Bite my tongue, my lip, save grief, shut up, shut out.

Joyful rebellion!

Currently listening to: K-Os's Crabbuckit
Random observation: smell of fresh laundry makes me smile.

Replies: 2 peanuts

hope you had a good class and MSN connection gets better!

Posted by Lisa @ 12/03/2024 10:11 AM GMT

i think it's fixed! ;D

and class was good.

hey chee mui *hug*

Posted by t @ 12/06/2024 10:02 PM GMT