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"Experimental theatre - sneak peek"

I think I'm insane for even considering it, but we're pushing boundaries, and even if it isn't political doesn't mean it can't be done for the sake of doing.

We tested it out today, and I got Sarah to videotape it. Creepy, disturbing, extremely effective as a shocker, a statement and a joke.

I'm so excited! ;D

Sunday's the proper test run, and we perform on Tuesday for class, and (crossing fingers) Wednesday for personal experiment.

Physical discomfort means little in the face of true theatre ;)

Stay tuned for updates, photos and a possible video.

Currently listening to: Train's Ordinary
Random observation: can you trip like I do?

Replies: 4 peanuts

wooziee!!!!!!!!! How are you?! *jumps* *jumps* I still wanna learn how to bake cake from u lar... :(

Posted by Julienne @ 12/06/2024 03:37 AM GMT

hey julz ;) how are ya? you'll be fine, just follow the recipe!

Posted by t @ 12/06/2024 10:01 PM GMT

hahaah i did...you DON'T want to know what happen to the kitchen *wink*

Posted by julz @ 12/07/2024 11:38 AM GMT

uh oh... lol. well, keep trying. you'll get it right soon enough ;P

Posted by t @ 12/08/2024 01:25 AM GMT