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"Experimental theatre in progress"
Experiment #1
A large group of students, loaded down with coats, backpacks, stereo and a suitcase, entered the cafeteria noisily. It was busy, and they made their way right to the middle of the caf where there was a free table. They dumped their bags on the floor and just chilled while waiting for the professor to show up. The suitcase slowly began to unzip itself. An unsuspecting student, who sat at the next table, failed to notice this occurance, until he heard a chirpy voice say hello. He looked up, and saw a girl sitting in the unzipped suitcase. He did a double take, as he tried to process what he had just seen.
After five minutes of chatting loudly (and in the process, drawing attention to themselves), the group decided that class was probably cancelled because of bad weather. The girl hopped back into the suitcase, amidst gaping mouths and stares. Her classmate zipped her back in, and the entire group left the cafeteria. The girl stuck her hand out of the suitcase and waved goodbye as they departed.
...and *that* was my experimental theatre for today ;)
Currently listening to: Lenny Kravitz's Lady
Random observation: I feel accomplished!
Replies: 2 peanuts
it may have been better if the girl had long hair that covered most of her face and scaly decaying skin. :P
Posted by myuu @ 12/09/2024 08:55 AM GMT
gave the hair away, and scaly skin just wasn't practical ;P i wanted to surprise em, not scare the crap out of em! lol.
you watch too much jap horror koa ;P
Posted by t @ 12/09/2024 05:32 PM GMT