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I get confused these days.

New domain's up and running, but it's on default settings, as I'm still struggling with papers overdue. I write here, and there, and I don't know where or what to stick to at the moment. In all honesty, I should move everything over, but again, those default settings bug me, and I refuse to work on the site 'til I get all my papers in.


Artificial intelligence and future fiction interest me, but writing a 20-page essay is another thing altogether. I feel completely disorganized, even though I'm armed with an outline and a decent amount of quotes and references. Need to draw the strings together, and it's hard.

"Something's wrong/ with your mind/ it won't figure me anymore"

Damn right I won't. Bloody paper.

Di sent us an email with a picture of firemen and some dalmations. Apparently, women require some time to spot the dogs (hot firemen, y'see). I saw the dogs. Sarah had to point out the men.


I miss the roommates. Thank goodness for Renata. Punky sent an email, she's having fun in Ghana, yay. Sarah called to remind me to head to her place on Boxing Day if possible; she's already put up all the Christmas decorations. Api's probably busy making money, haven't spoken to her.

Another death in the family. Trying to be practical about it. We're mortal, see.


Told you I was trying to be practical.

In peace, tai ku che.




'course I miss home. It's home!

Before I forget, thanks Sharon and Kayla, for the invites to spend Christmas up East and North respectively :) Unfortunately, my bank account is screaming bloody murder as it is. Rain check?

Kayla, I have that picture of you and me squashed in a phone booth up on my pushpin board ;D

Di just called, dinner with her family this Saturday, if I'm so inclined.

Don't want to impose!

Am not Scrooge-like at all. Just feel that Christmas is an excuse to spend time with family (because some people need the excuse), and mine's not here, so it's different. Not bad, just... different. I'm perfectly fine being by myself, but others think I'm crazy, hehe.

I really am fine.



Currently listening to: Default's All She Wrote
Random observation: In my niece's words, "study[ing] damages the brain!".