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"2004 in review"
I've almost forgotten how to write.
My last post on this site, before I move for good to the other.
I've yet to change its settings, and I'm not sure that I can, but what the hell, it's sitting there, and I should utilize it more instead of splitting my (very limited) blogging capabilities as it is.
So, 2004.
It's been decent, leaning towards good. I smile often, I laugh, I learnt the joys of shopping. I discovered a love for theatre; I renewed ties with some, severed others.
The world has been less lucky, but hopefully it will heal with time.
Am trying to focus on the blessings in life, like fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies shared with friends, and jokes and banter over drinks or tea. Walking in -20C weather, because I'm lucky enough to experience a real winter, breathe in cold, crisp air, watch snowflakes fall on mittens before they melt away. Having the good fortune to learn and study and stress over little things like a degree, because it means I'm in school, I have options, I'm thinking beyond survival.
Big events include the flood in Peterborough in July, US Elections ("If Kerry wins, I promise to attend every single class for a month!!"), and most recently, the disaster that struck Asia.
Personal highlights include my camera, extended time with family, catching Incubus live, catering a liquor event, getting (and later abandoning) my guitar. Learning to be happy, falling on my ass trying to rollerblade, playing hopscotch on a spring day, re-discovering awesome '90s music. Losing (and finding!) my passport, learning to read Middle English. Sleeping through the flood (hehe, I know!), crazy roadtrip to Winnipeg, dancing like no one's watching, sitting in a suitcase (even though I suffer from claustrophobia) just to get that awesome reaction.
"Why do I deserve [good things] though?"
"Because you let them [happen]"
Happy 2005, people. If you're going to party, party hard and party safe. I know I'll be sipping tea and chilling at home :)
Currently listening to: Switchfoot's Dare You to Move
Random observation: I promise to pick up my guitar again, right after Di replaces the strings she broke ;P
Replies: 13 peanuts
Posted by infinitium @ 12/31/2004 05:49 AM GMT
Gosh... you know what? you sound like you're had a much fuller life than i have. i would do a review, but i'd be afraid at what i've done. or haven't.
Posted by agnes @ 12/31/2004 09:23 AM GMT
happy new year, tiff!
Posted by potatoe @ 12/31/2004 01:34 PM GMT
happy new year jase ;D
agnes: a 'full life' is mostly perception, heh. i don't think i did all that much at all, and you shouldn't fear how you have or haven't lived. there's still today and now. *hug* we need to catch up soon! happy new year *hug*
potpot! happy new year! will email you my new url ;D
Posted by t @ 01/01/2024 12:33 AM GMT
potpot, i have to retract that statement. i don't have your email ;P
Posted by t @ 01/01/2024 12:44 AM GMT
ms. tiff,
merry xmas (late) and happy new year (late)....i hope you got my email explaining why im hardly EVER near a computer let alone one with an internet connection...
I just wanted to say hello and let you know that f you're interested, my entire album is available for free download at www.nightonlyvisual.com
we should speak in real time soon...im working on permanently resolving my computer issue, so that may be very possible, very soon.
Posted by sktt @ 01/04/2024 12:48 AM GMT
brilliant! catch you real soon, and btw, check the mailbox!
Posted by t @ 01/05/2024 02:34 AM GMT
*is sitting here waiting for the new url to fall on her lap*
Posted by ruth @ 01/23/2005 09:29 AM GMT
*ditto ruth*
*eye tiff*
Posted by aggie @ 01/26/2005 01:53 AM GMT
Posted by t @ 01/29/2005 11:37 AM GMT
i love -20°C weather.
Posted by Jan Ee @ 03/11/2023 05:26 AM GMT
heh. hey you!
Posted by t @ 03/21/2005 12:30 AM GMT
if u ever get this, what's the new url?
Posted by lisa @ 05/04/2024 04:17 AM GMT