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Thanks to weird weather and wonderful, beautiful pollution [/sarcasm], my eyes are bugging me again. It's hard to restrain myself from trying to gauge my eyeballs so that I can wash them (out of sheer irritation and desperation!).
Been working for the past two days (when will my contract ever end?!) and moving furniture at home. I finally lost my temper and moved all of the parasite's things out, yay me! Packed all of Audrey's clothes and put them upstairs in my old bedroom, and today we moved her (extremely heavy) queen-size bed as well. I rearranged the furniture that's left downstairs (sounds familiar, girls? ;D) and am pretty pleased with everything so far, albeit rather tired.
Sharon called this afternoon; Kai's back, woohoo! Am finalizing plans to head up to Penang for the weekend to see them before Sharon takes off.
Nothing else to say, 'cept I'm missing a lot of people.
Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's The Story of 100 Aisles
Current emotion: reminiscent
Random observation: Nike's football ad over Astro is hilarious ;D