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Today's shaping up to be a pretty good day. Kayla sent me the funniest picture ever, I managed to catch Punky online today (for two minutes or so), and guess who bought teddy bear pillowcases, huh? Huh?! *does a little dance* ;D
Marianne called; she's leaving for .ca on Tuesday. I am feeling envious. Have a safe trip, ah ma :) Kai's gonna be back soon, and I'm probably heading up to Penang this coming weekend to see him and Sharon, 'cause she's leaving next week for PEI. Am looking forward to seeing them :)
Still have work to do, but at the moment, I'm trying not to think about it.
Currently listening to: Eminem's Without Me
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Thank you Blogger for supplying me with my daily dose of Kayla & Di, Amen!