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Another crazy weekend down the drain.
Saturday started off relatively quiet, with me watching Cartoon Network all afternoon as usual. It was then off to 1 Utama, where Audrey and I watched (the second half of) Star Wars again for free, just for the heck of it. We had seafood for dinner, courtesy of Ryan, since it was his birthday. An impromptu drinking party soon followed, and Audrey headed to the closest mall to buy more booze. Long story short, Ryan finished 2/3rds of a bottle Absolut (among other things) within the span of two hours, and passed out. Colin, Steve and I were up till 5 making sure he was alright (just like back in rez, heh). It was funny though, 'cause for every shot he took, we got him to recount an incident in his life of said number, hehe.
Anyway, today was spent reading, sleeping, or playing with Joshi. Oh yeah, I finally watched Star Wars - The Phantom Menace *grins sheepishly* It was okay.
Have downloaded MSN Messenger after ages, so yay, I'm back on MSN ;D Am talking to Shean Min, Shao Yi and Kayla. Guess it's time to sleep now, as I have to be up at 6 for work. Oh, and before I forget, hey Jane :)
Currently listening to: nothing
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: I called Di a few days ago ;D