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Second day off work, and I'm still feeling kinda under the weather. Yes Kris, I saw your notes, but aside from what I write here, I really don't have that much to say about home life *grins* I'll write soon, kay? I always was bad with mail, pfft. Bear with me. I miss ya too! *hug* :)
Spent the last few days with dad; as always, I always learn more than I want to know. Sometimes I get sad, sometimes angry, but always, always, I hold him in high regard. I found out from him that my paternal grandfather (whom I've never had the chance to meet) knew how to speak Tamil and a smattering of other languages, and that he was a translator, lol.
So yeah, I have a chocolate cake baking in the oven, while I sit here yakking away to Kai and Mica over AIM. Headache. Have finished reading Cooking for Dummies from cover to cover. I'm ready to take over the kitchen now! ;D
Ooh, I forgot to mention: was at KLCC with Audrey yesterday, and she bought me a bottle of peach schnapps for my birthday pressie, hee. 'tis Ryan's birthday this weekend, and he's bringing the vodka :P
Just before I sign off, Happy 22nd Birthday, Sharon! *hug* Hope to see ya soon :)
Currently listening to: Splender's I Think God Can Explain
Current emotion: sniffly
Random observation: Home alone again, pah.