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Didn't get to bed till past two last night, so I paid for it today, ugh. Kai called, and we yakked and joked about stuff; can't wait for mamak sessions, woohoo! Have to drag Sharon down to KL soon.
Work was hell today, but I got through it. Came home and baked my frustrations away with a banana walnut loaf, yum ;D It's pretty damn good, if I do say so myself *big grin*
Am currently making Shean Min's life miserable over ICQ by guilt-tripping him for forgetting my birthday, hiaks! He promises to make it up to me when I get to Aussie. I want my bottle of Absolut, you hear?! lol. I miss harassing him and the others, heh.
Haven't seen sooks since Saturday, and she's leaving next month, argh! So much to do, so little time. Merv's another one who's packin' up and leaving the country in a bit :/
Parents just got home, and they're wondering why I'm in, seeing as my siblings are not. I have no life, that's why :P
I miss talking to Kayla, Di, Punky and the rest :( *sniffles a little*
So, who wants cake?
Currently listening to: myself, singing along (off-key) to Mayfield Four's Eden
Current emotion: semi-happy
Random observation: I'm feeling Kayla/Di/Sarah/Punky/Asha-deprived :/