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Tired *yawns*
Sunday was spent just lazing around and recovering from the day before. Discovered more bumps and bruises before the day was out. Umm, ouch?
I knew Monday was going to be a bad day when I woke up at 6.45am for work. Was late, and I had to spend a good two hours sewing with the kids. I was ready to get up and quit right then and there, I was so frustrated. Whoever says I'm patient has got to be kidding :/ I was ready to throw everything in the bin, as it was driving me nuts. The only good thing out of this whole mess is that the incident has cemented my belief that a) I cannot teach kids and b) I should not/ will not have kids.
Hilarious moment of the day was when I saw a little boy and girl holding hands. One of the other TAs told me they were 'dating', lol! It was so cute to see the little boy (he was about 5) run up the the girl, kiss her on the cheek and hear him say something along the lines of "you look so beautiful today. Did you like the present I gave you?". I didn't know whether to be amusingly horrified or horrifyingly amused at the thought of 5 year olds dating *grins*
Another hilarious anecdote involved a few kids from my class. Wesley had brought a ballpen to school, and over lunch, he and three others decided to write their names on each other's back. When questioned by Ms. Humphreys, their reason for doing so was because they thought it would make identification easier when swimming. Ms. Humphrey's face was priceless, lol.
audrey picked me up after work and left me at the Summit Mall while she met up with a client of hers. I wandered around aimlessly and read my book till she picked me up at 6. Had a late dinner with my parents (around 10pm) and spent some time with them.
Ah, and before I forget, thanks so much for the lovely journal entry you made, Ruth. I didn't deserve it :) *hug*
Time to hit the sack; it's another long day tomorrow.
Currently listening to: Tiff's (off-key) rendition of Westlife's When You're Looking Like That
Current emotion: cheerful
Random observation: Anne mailed me some pictures today; thanks Anne! *HUG*