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Days have picked up again, and I sleep an average of 5 hours a night. So much for catching up on sleep, yah? ;D Let's just hope it's a temporary thing. Yes Kayla, I'm still alive, although not so near the computer nowadays. I need a break from the radiation :P
I've been busy working, and spending time with my brother (surprisingly). I don't see dad as much as I should, but at the moment, it can't be helped. Yup, I've taken the position offered to me at Alice Smith's, and I'm currently taking care of 22 very active four and five year olds. They run me ragged I tell ya, lol.
Got home around 3 from work and finally had a nap. Will be going out tonight, as my sister and brother kickstart the beginning of my step into adulthood (hah!) with a night of clubbing and boozing. It's gonna be a crazy day tomorrow; you can count on it :)
I'll be back to write more later.
Currently listening to: *click clack* of the keyboard
Current emotion: so-so
Random observation: Still can't access my e-mail, grr.