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So much for uninterrupted, blissful sleep. I've been rudely awakened every morning since I got back, bah.
Finally caught Disney on Ice this evening; it was great :) Hey Kayla, they even had an ice hockey session, lol! Something about ice hockey players having the grace of ballerinas *smirks*
While in the stands, I counted no less that 15 little girls walking around in frilly pink dresses. Honestly now, frilly pink?! Ugh *gags* Sure they look cute and all, but I'll be damned if they don't look the same :P
Colin and I went for a mamak session last night with Pei Yee and Seng Wee; it was good to just sit outside and have a teh ais or two and yak the night away. I most definitely miss my mamak sessions *grins* Got home 2-ish, and Kai called at 3.30am 'cause he was bored, yay him :P We just killed time talking 'bout plans for the summer; he won't be back till June, bummer. At least he'll be back in time to hang out with me in sooks' and Merv's place *grins*
Was at Ravi's awhile ago with dad and Colin. Had my first roti ever since I got back, hiaks. Yes, it's a special moment :P
I've been watching too much tv, bleh.
Think I'll go sleep now.
Currently listening to: Chicago's Walk Away
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: Cookie's looking at me funny.