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I don't seem to make much sense in the last few posts; I'll just put it down to sheer tiredness. Spent the day at home before heading out in the evening to catch Disney on Ice with my nephews and cousins. Found out that my godsister was pregnant with her third child, eek. It's become some sort of tradition that I come home every year to find that I have a new niece or nephew... :P
Unfortunately, tickets for the show were sold out, so we headed to Megamall instead for dinner. My cousins wanted to catch Spiderman, but the cinema was packed (obviously, since it was a Saturday night). We ended up walking around before heading home around 10.
I find myself to be getting rather impatient with family members :/ The questions and constant nagging wear me down and out, and it frustrates me how they forget I've lived independently for the past 8 months without killing myself. As odd as it sounds, I hate being babied and pampered when I can live perfectly well without the next three months of my life mapped out for me.
I'm expected to come home for Christmas, but I don't know. It really seems pointless to me, simply because my parents will be busy with the shop anyway. We'll see what happens I guess.
Currently listening to: Quiet humming of the fan
Current emotion: frustrated
Random observation: I never seem to be happy, do I? :P