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You never know how tired you really are until you pass out for 16 hours straight before waking up and realizing that hey, you can sleep more if you want to. And that no one's gonna knock on the door and wake you up asking for the stupidest things.
Had dinner with my cousins before heading out to buy stuff for the family. Will not be heading to Pensylvania to buy Audrey's Dockers, but I'll be in NYC tomorrow to pick up my ticket and buy mom her favourite cake. Will be getting Colin a bottle of cK's Eternity as his belated birthday gift at the airport. Bought daddy a can of cashew nuts, and a bag of M & M peanuts for myself ;D
I miss the girls. I miss the hilarious and stupid jokes we make in the middle of the night. I miss being able to take mad photos of the bears pulling the craziest stunts. Harassing Eren, bugging Jeff, stealing stuff from Roger. I miss the hugs, the short jokes (although I got an overdose yesterday!), the walks to OC.
It's been a rough year. Things haven't eased up, but you can't imagine how grateful I am for the friends I have that helped pull me through. I didn't even think I'd make it to see April, and look where I'm at right now :)
Currently listening to: Unwritten Law's Seein' Red
Current emotion: .
Random observation: It's bloody cold for April :P