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Am feeling exhausted. Ran all over Peterborough in the morning before stopping by JBC to turn in my master keys. Jeff, Erica, Asha and I spent a good two hours packing at the last minute and moving everything to our place in University Heights. Who'd have thought I'd accumulated so much junk in 2 years?! I dread moving back to Malaysia after graduation, lol. I definitely owe Jeff big time; he was such a sweetheart, helping me carry all the heavy stuff and driving me back and forth before sending me downtown with Susan to catch the bus to Toronto. I gave him a mickey of Kahlua and half a bottle of Absolut as a thank you present :P Must remember to bring shot glasses back for him in fall.
Said goodbye to everyone and received a Trent stuffed toy from the girls; I was touched and almost cried. Saying g'bye to Asha was hard, because she's going to England for her third year and I doubt I'll see her this fall. Oh well.
Punky and I made in to Scarborough, where Di, Eren and DJ picked us up before running off tp the airport. I got there early and bought a teddy bear for Alice as her birthday present, seeing as she collects them. The flight was alright; slept through it, heh. Jorge and Alice were there to pick me up, and once we got back we just yakked and stuff.
I think I'll go to bed now.