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I slept today *grins* So proud of me for that *hugs self!*
So yeah, DJ gave us a ride downtown to buy stuff, and I cooked for the girls and Eren. Have started taking pictures off the walls already. Got bullied by Eren today; that stupid boy bit me!! I'll kick his ass tomorrow, hmph.
Ntohing much to say. Sharon called, yay! Can't wait to see her in May. sooks is going to NZ mid-June; I'm gonna miss her loads. What else? I need to do laundry *pokes self* And no, the bears are not bisexual! *glares* Umm, ahh.. oh yeah. Sarah, Kayla and I pinky-swore some stuff today. Our house is gonna be so coo'! ;D
Here's me getting harassed by Eren, while Kayla, instead of saving me, takes a picture instead.
I will have my revenge >:(
I think I'll go sleep now.
Currently listening to: Matchbox Twenty's Long Day
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Off to see the landlady later.