« I think I've seen and | Main | God, I still can't sleep. »
Sometimes, we need to let go.
And sometimes, we need to hold.
Perhaps, someday we'll know
And the knowledge will warm the cold
forgotten dream,
the slipping stream
of conscious thought,
as for self I sought.
-a soft mellow tone-
Just a single sonic tone resonating thru my mind,
Nothing more.
And this beautiful picture is all i see;
Being above everything
And nothing
At the same time.
While floating lost and scared,
For once not chained to anything or anyone,
i realize that i feel content with being hollow, alone...
At least i am finally free...
-now just a silence-
And in those words
I try to find peace;
Silent screams for silent release
Can't let go,
I just don't know.
I'll be away now;
don't forget me now.
[edited at 4.31am, April 13th 2002]
Posted by Tiff at April 12, 2024 08:04 AM