« Taken after lunch before working | Main | Sometimes, we need to let »
I think I've seen and spoken more to Eren in the last three days than I have all year. For the last week or so, everyone's been hanging out with one another.
Camp Ghetto 317 is so popular now that DJ willingly gave up Snowball so that I could create more crazy pictures, lol. It's nice to know that my moments of silliness are so appreciated :P Have received ideas from Di and Eren for the next few shots. I'm feeling the pressure to perform now, though, as there seems to be avid fans of Eric & Ghettoball. For the moment, he's spending the night in Di's room while I concoct more crazy-ass ideas.
I haven't slept properly for the longest time, and I'm tired. Slept for two hours this morning before helping Eren with his English essay. A bunch of us had lunch and I read a little before crashing for another two hours or so. Watched Shrek with Tim before drinking with Eren in Di's room. Eren wanted to get plastered, and I wanted to sleep, so we figured drinking would be a good idea. Had a shot of Ouzo, which was supposed to "knock me out". Obviously, that didn't happen :/ Finally finished my Absolut Kurant, yay. We walked to Tim Horton's after that, before chilling in my room till 5. Kayla and Eren went to bed, but I'm still up.
Haiyah, dielah dielah . Beh tahan the stress already :/
"There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write
over and over again
I'm awake and in the infinite cold
But you sing to me over and over and
over again
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope
Sing to me of the song of the stars
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing
and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have
for me over again"
- Switchfoot's Only Hope
Currently listening to: Switchfoot's Only Hope
Current emotion: .
Random observation: It's as if everything's so pointless now.