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Am brushing my teeth in front of the 'puter, hiaks. Brb.
'kay. What happened? Oh yeah. Fell asleep playing Diamond Mines around 7-ish in the morning. Was up by 11 and sorted my timetable for the last time before heading down to Traill College to get my courses approved by the English Department. Came back, dropped my forms at Julian Blackburn College and stopped by Heather's to catch up on news with her.
Was doing some reading when Jenn came by with her fish (?!). She wanted me to babysit Hector (a red Siamese fighting fish) because she was going away to New York for the weekend. Now, pets aren't allowed in residence, not even fish, so it's pretty weird and ironic that of all people to ask, she wants me to take care of it. *sigh* I was given specific instructions on how to care for it, right down to the time of his feeding and the amount of grubs (yes, I'm supposed to count them with a tweezer) he has a day. Oh, and did I mention that he requires bottled water, not tap, because Peterborough's water is not good enough? According to Kayla, this dummy of a fish had Evian water at one point! *shakes head* So yeah, I'm fish-sitting this weekend. Unfortunately, I forgot to tell Jenn about the numerous pet fishes I killed over the course of my lifetime...
Susan, Di, Sarah, Kayla and I spent some time listening to my large collection of college accapella before heading down to the dining hall for dinner. Watched Friends and Survivor with Kayla while Sarah and Susan headed to the drugstore in a spur-of-the-moment move to dye Sarah's hair a deep chocolate brown. After a rather nervous hour of Di getting to work on Sarah's locks, waiting it out and finally, washing all the gunk off, we were introduced to the brunnette that was Sarah. She looks fantastic! She screamed and cried a little when she first saw her reflection (it was a drastic change) but I think she's handling it rather well. Trust us Sarah, you look great :)
Called Alice and spoke to her for a while. Susan and Kayla were laughing at me because I was speaking rather rapidly in broken Cantonese and a smattering of English, pfft. Hung up and called Kai on the spur of the moment. It was his birthday yesterday, and I forgot! I felt like such a heel, but hey, I called a day later, so it's not that bad, hehe. Happy 21st Birthday Kai *hug* When are you coming down to Bumblef*ck, Canada to see me again huh? I promise to take you to Haazelton's, where they serve fantastically yummylicious cake ;D
Made some soup for Sarah, Di and myself while reading, yakking away and simply enjoying each others' company. Kayla and Susan left at 11, and Asha left soon after. I'm getting used to this 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night thing. Finally did my dishes (a pile of 'em) and kinda/sorta cleaned my room. I've been harassing Hector with a spoon. I can't help it. I'm just so fascinated by the way he wiggles his way out when cornered, before being poked again ;D I'm so afraid he's going to die in my care, lol.
Meh. I didn't ask for him *shrug*
I'll go sleep now I think.
Currently listening to: R Kelly's The World's Greatest
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Another long day tomorrow.