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Yummy food served at the Seniors' Dinner, and after the awards ceremony (student dons received thank you presents from the college) Sarah, Kayla, Di and I headed to my room to watch the videos Di and Susan made with Defenestration Duck. We took lots of pictures and goofed around a while before everyone went back to their rooms. Roger said he left me something in his room, so I went over to pick it up. He bought me cookies, wee!! My MSN nick was "I want cookie" and the silly bugger actually bought me some, lol. Thanks Ra Ra *hug* He also loaned me his funky sunglasses (the ones I stole in winter) and bought chips as well, which I shared with the girls.
Eric had loads of fun with the sunglasses :P
Worked in Sarah's room for a while, fixing my timetable for next year. Everything's a mess, blah.
Got back a little while ago, and guess who called? Uncle Azuan, wee! ;D I haven't heard from him in ages, so it was good to catch up a bit. Thanks for calling Uncle Azuan :)
Am very tired, but have more work to do. Be back later.
Currently listening to: Daniel Hayes' Insatiable
Current emotion: meh
Random observation: I love cookie! ;D