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29 hours since I last slept. Had lunch with Catherine at East Side Mario's this afternoon. I don't wanna know anything about the court case anymore. I just want to finish this term, see my parents, hang out with sooks and basically bum around for a bit. To hell with everything else.
Made some calls regarding the prices of 'plane tickets, and am making arrangements to go home soon. Kayla, Susan and I crashed the Green Section's year-end dinner (well, I had an official invitation, but I brought the two of them along with me ;D). Wrestled with Matt and threatened to beat the crap outta Eren :P Kris was there too, yay! Bummed around with Roger, Jeff, DJ and everyone else before coming back upstairs. Was bloody tired, so I think I went a little mad. Had a laughing fit at one point, while singing the Elmo song and calling Asha-lalala, Punkilla and Kayla-lala. My tummy ached from laughing so hard :P Look, I haven't slept in a bit. I'm tired. I don't make sense, okay?! *phbt*
Kayla did a headstand. Susan super! ;D Asha's wearing the skirt I gave her last term. I broke my alarm clock :/
lalala... lalala... *giggles*
Quotes of the Day:
Eek! It's porn in the afternoon!! - Tiff. L
I'm from Turkey. I'm a barbarian! - Eren
Ghetto white boy trying to act all coo' and shit yo! - Susan, in ref. to DJ
Currently listening to: Britney Spears' Not A Girl
Current emotion: .
Random observation: lalala... lalala... *pokes monitor* *giggles* *plops onto bed*