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Di just left 15 minutes ago.
For our last dinner of the year, Kayla, Chris and I headed to The Red Lobster Saturday night. After that it was off to Chapters to check out some books; I saw an amazing bartending book I'm thinking of picking up before I go home :P The rest of the evening was spent just yakking with Asha and trying to figure out summer plans. I called Shean Min in Gippsland, Australia at 3am to wish him a happy birthday. Shao Yi and Nick were there as well, so I got to speak to them for a bit. It was great catching up with them.
Fell asleep reading the history and biography of Oscar Wilde for my theatre class. Spent the day working on my paper, and had dinner with Roger and Asha. Met Kris, Kevin and Vanessa in OC, so we yakked for a while. Finished another book and slept for a bit after that. Was on the phone for over an hour, before Di called to say she was hungry. I cooked, and we ended up hanging out till almost 6am. Oh, and Di took some mad pictures too.
hehe. It spells my name (kinda). *hugs Di!* ;D
Guess I'll just stay up for the rest of the day now. Ah, almost forgot to mention: I updated the photo section.
Currently listening to: Silverchair's Miss You Love
Current emotion: .
Random observation: it's almost exams already.