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Was up all night as usual before heading out for breakfast with Di. Slept in after that, and ventured out for coffee later with Sarah.
After dinner in the LEC dining hall, we walked to the library Mission Impossible-style (I can still see Sarah hiding near the bridge before pretending to climb over, hah!) with Di to look for Bubba and Susan. While Di was yakking away with Derek, Sarah and I decided to hook all the journals together to form a chain, which meant that anyone trying to grab one journal would pull another 15 with it. Go us ;D
We convened in Di's room later and started taking mad photos. Crazy good fun to lighten everyone's mood :) I got shoved off the bed and onto the floor by Kayla, and we got squashed by the other girls when we took the pile-up. Poor Di fell over three times when we did the piggy back picture, lol. I was carrying Susan, and Di was trying to get onto Susan's back. In her attempt to do so, she jumped a little too far and flew right over us, eek :P Good thing she wasn't hurt!
After all that, it was time for Kayla Massive 2002. 3 minutes of Kayla burping, us screaming with laughter and yells of "I'm gonna throw up!" before we massacred the file, playing it backwards, slow motion and cathedral-style. We're thinking of distributing it over the Internet, calling the file something like fivegirlsinaroom.mp3. Can you see those perverts downloading it, thinking it'll be porn, when it's actually burps?! ahaha! I just kill myself *wipes tear*
It's been a good evening. What with the stress and problems slowly killing everyone, a night of pure silliness and fun to take the pressure off, even for a little while.
Jeff came by to discuss some stuff just a while ago, and with that, my good mood just flew out the window. Everything's a mess, and I just got reminded of it. Bleh.
Currently listening to: Robbie Williams' She's The One
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I think I broke my alarm clock, eek.