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Meh. I hate it when I stay up all night, only to fall asleep an hour before class. I've lost count the amount of times its happened already.
I have a new blog for my mad ravings now, go me. I'm looking forward to the weekend, Nes might visit me in KL next Christmas (if I go home) and I wrote a rhyme about the girls down the hall. Daniel came by and gave me a photo taken during Cultural Outreach, and Sarah developed the pictures from our last few adventures, including seeing Default live, our romp downtown, dinner at Marley's and whatnot. I'll be working on a photo collage sometime soon. My desk lamp's busted, damn.
By the way Kris, someone's been doing a search on you on Google. To the stalker, word! :P
Currently listening to: Jimmy Eat World's My Sundown
Current emotion: meh.
Random observation: feel like taking this blog off circulation.