« Slept 11-ish and woke up | Main | I can't even begin to »
Lookit world, I'm still awake! :P Spoke to mom and dad for a good hour; daddy was back in hospital last week :( Won't know how he's doing till next month when they do their annual checkup on him *worried* :/
The good news is that mom's thinking of taking a well-deserved holiday for herself and 2nd aunty; they're thinking of visiting either Australia or Shanghai. Mom's business contact was a real bastard though; he'd promised her a free return ticket to Canada for reaching a quota set for her last year, but when she asked him about it he said it couldn't be done. Mom was so disappointed. That bastard :/
Was with Roger for over an hour and a half, just getting things sorted. Poor guy's so stressed out. Am hoping for the best for him.
I really need to go sleep now.
Currently listening to: John Farnham's Don't Let It End
Current emotion: exhausted
Random observation: Everything seems kinda blurry to me now.