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I went to bed six-ish, and *she* woke me up at 11 just so she could tell me how everyone in the college was against her, and that everything was falling apart. Been there, done that. I went through my share of hell last term, remember? Last I recall, she wasn't there for me either. In fact, she was one of the reasons it was such a hellish term. And if that wasn't bad enough, she implied that I had something to do with her problems as well. Thanks. Always knew I was a malicious and immature child who pulled stupid stunts like that *rolls eyes* You know, I believe I have enough sense and maturity to not even consider, let alone concoct such a dirty trick. I may not get along 100% with you, but that does not mean I'd stoop so low as to hit you below the belt. I have better things to do with my time. Just when I thought the term was going to be fine, too. Pfft. [Clean all the bad vibes away]
Made a trip downtown in the afternoon to find glitter and some gold hairband thingie for the show, but no such luck :\ Wasn't paying attention when I crossed the road, and almost got hit by a 4X4, yay me ;D I suppose the "Don't Walk" sign was there for a reason... I felt so bad for the driver; must have given him a heart attack there.
Came back, had a talk with Faye and got ready to head to Wenjack for the show. Sarah did my hair for me (thank you *hug*) and once I got to Otanabee College, Asha did the makeup. (Yes, I caved in. So much for my clean track record :\) Asha did a good job of keeping it to a minimum though *hugs Asha!* Screwed up kinda/sorta onstage, but everyone was really nice about it and cheered anyway ;) 400 people down, 400 more to go. It's a good thing I only humiliate myself in front of limited numbers, hah!
So opening night's over, and I'm dog tired. Cooked some food, and washed all that gunk out of my hair and face. I'll never understand how women and girls can put all that crap on themselves and still feel natural, ugh. When Genevieve sprayed that hair thing on me, I wanted to hurl. I have new respect for those who wear makeup so diligently; you guys must have a helluva time getting it right. As for smudging, let's not even talk about it. I flipped when I forgot about the eye thing and rubbed my eyes, lol. Looked like a raccoon for awhile there, with them black-rimmed eyes *grins*
Madness *shrug* So, who wants to see pictures?! ;D (as if I'm gonna show any, pfft!)
Currently listening to: Leslie Carter's Like Wow
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Having people in the crowd yell your name is such an ego-booster, haha!! *winks*