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Responsibility's a bitch, no?
Mom called in the morning. Missed going downtown with Kayla and Sarah. Full dress rehearsal at Wenjack. Found out I'm supposed to wear makeup for the stage. Over my dead body. Sunday was missing, so we ran around trying to find him. He showed up after rehearsal, yay [/sarcasm]. Watched 2/3rds of Ocean's Eleven before the drama started. Two hours of it, thank you very much.
Now that we've got the niceties out of the way, allow me to vent. Vulgar language to follow, so discretion is advised.
As if I'm going to post it here. *sigh* It's been a bad, bad week.
Currently listening to: Katrien's Side
Current emotion: .
Random observation: How do you tell someone it's worth it when you don't even believe in it yourself?