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I've been thinking, and writing. Reading, and studying (odd, I know). Spent some time talking to sooks. Amazing how we can go from random observations to silly diatribes and serious discussions in a matter of seconds, in a matter of years. It's been about six or seven years now.
Today's been funny; while reading Womack's Random Acts of Senseless Violence, I came across a line: "...years from now a diary will be interesting when you can read it and see what you were doing that you forgot about later". In retrospect, I keep this journal so faithfully, not only to ensure that those who care are updated, but so that I can look back a month, a year from now, and remember, maybe reflect.
And you thought you knew me.
Quote of the Day:
Sometimes I wonder about you [sic]. You always come off, to me, as so composed, while I on the other hand am exactly the opposite. But then I read stuff like this and I don't know what to think... - Mica
Currently listening to: Sister Hazel's Champagne High
Current emotion: .
Random observation: You can't know till you understand.