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I smell like curry, ugh. I should go shower soon, but am waiting for Kris to come over and get her binder back.
The cookoff adventure was today, and we had so much fun! Di, Sarah, Kayla and I caught the 5.50 bus downtown and shopped for ingredients before heading over to Long and Dru's, only to be faced with locked doors. Nobody was home, damnit. So we're sitting outside, in the bloody cold, when Sarah starts fiddling with one of the windows. And ohmygod, it opened!! We looked at each other, and next thing you know, Di was climbing in and she had the door unlocked for us in 2 minutes. Yes, we broke into Long and Dru's house *big grin* I'm so proud of us, haha! Sarah's now an honorary ghetto girl, thank you. Susan joined us in 10 minutes, and as soon as she got here we re-enacted the scene and took a picture, hehe.
I got to work in the kitchen, and Long came back less than 20 minutes later, faced with 5 girls who basically broke into his place and made themselves comfortable. The girls watched cable tv while Long and I cooked for almost three hours. The final results of our labour were curry chicken, rice, sour/spicy (asam) seafood and brownies by me, and 5 different kinds of shrimp by Long. Who'd have thought you could cook shrimp in so many ways? Played chess with Di for about 20 minutes, but we didn't get to finish the game 'cause the food was ready.
Everyone stuffed themselves with food, and it was agreed that Iron Chef Trent-style was officially declared a tie, word :) Dessert was browinies and vanilla ice cream, and everyone could only manage a tiny slice, ugh. So full.
So we came back eleven-ish, and I'm so tired. I'm glad the girls had a good time, especially Sarah, since this was her birthday thing. So yah, yay us! :)
Currently listening to: Missy Elliot feat. Eve's For My People
Current emotion: tired but pleased
Random observation: I haven't cooked like that in the longest time, heh.